Náuseas en Embarazo / Nausea during pregnancy
Se ha sugerido que la acupuntura puede ayudar a equilibrar la energía del cuerpo y aliviar los síntomas de las náuseas matutinas.
Debido al alto riesgo que entraña el consumo de fármacos durante el embarazo, cada vez son más numerosas las mujeres que recurren a tratamientos alternativos como la acupuntura que ya ha demostrado en numerosos ensayos clínicos su eficacia con total seguridad y mínimos efectos secundarios.
Según las directrices de las OMS publicadas en Pubmed en 2022, es recomendable el uso de acupuntura para el alivio de estos malestares.
A pesar de que en medicina china y en medicina occidental se da por hecho la efectividad de la acupuntura para el alivio de náuseas en embarazadas, ambas medicinas plantean puntos de vista diferentes. Pero hay una cosa que sabemos con certeza: La acupuntura favorece la liberación de endorfinas, la regulación del sistema nervioso autónomo, y la modulación de neurotransmisores que producen una disminución directa de estos molestos síntomas.
Si estás considerando la acupuntura para aliviar las náuseas matutinas durante el embarazo, es importante seguir estos consejos:
Consulta a tu médico: Antes de comenzar cualquier tratamiento, incluida la acupuntura, siempre es recomendable hablar con tu médico u otro profesional de la salud para asegurarte de que sea seguro y adecuado para tu situación particular.
Encuentra un profesional experimentado: Si decides probar la acupuntura, busca un acupuntor con licencia y experiencia en el tratamiento de mujeres embarazadas. Es esencial que el profesional esté familiarizado con la acupuntura durante el embarazo y tome precauciones adicionales para garantizar la seguridad.
Comunica tus síntomas y preocupaciones: Asegúrate de informar a tu acupuntor sobre tus síntomas específicos, la duración de las náuseas y cualquier otra preocupación que puedas tener. Esto ayudará al acupuntor a personalizar el tratamiento de acuerdo con tus necesidades.
[EN]Nausea during pregnancy, commonly known as "morning sickness," is a common symptom that affects many pregnant women. Although they are called "morning" nausea, this nausea can occur at any time of the day. They usually begin around the sixth week of pregnancy and can persist until the end of the first trimester, although some women experience them throughout their pregnancy.
It has been suggested that acupuncture can help balance the body's energy and relieve symptoms of morning sickness.
Due to the high risk involved in taking drugs during pregnancy, more and more women are turning to alternative treatments such as acupuncture, which has already demonstrated its effectiveness in numerous clinical trials with complete safety and minimal side effects.
According to the guidelines of the WHO published in Pubmed in 2022, the use of acupuncture is recommended to relieve these discomforts. Although in Chinese medicine and Western medicine the effectiveness of acupuncture for the relief of nausea in pregnant women is taken for granted, Both medicines present different points of view. But there is one thing we know for sure: Acupuncture promotes the release of endorphins, the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, and the modulation of neurotransmitters that produce a direct decrease in these annoying symptoms.
If you are considering acupuncture to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy, it is important to follow these tips:
- Consult your doctor: Before starting any treatment, including acupuncture, it is always advisable to speak with your doctor or other health professional to make sure it is safe and appropriate for your particular situation.
- Find an experienced practitioner: If you decide to try acupuncture, look for a licensed acupuncturist with experience treating pregnant women. It is essential that the practitioner is familiar with acupuncture during pregnancy and takes extra precautions to ensure safety.
- Communicate your symptoms and concerns: Be sure to inform your acupuncturist of your specific symptoms, the duration of nausea, and any other concerns you may have. have. This will help the acupuncturist customize the treatment to your needs.