ANANTA Acupuncture

Acupuncture & Moxibustion & Manual Therapy

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the practice of very thin metalic neddles penetration in the skin, through the gentle movement of the acupuncturist.

The Acupuncture is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with more than 5000 years. The needles are inserted in more than 2000 different body points which connect with different channels and meridians, balancing the energy (Qi). Therefore, the patient can go back to his centre.

Aforetime it was used as a preventing way, but now a days, because of the evolution of humanity, it is used as prevention and to heal any pathology and physical, mental or emotional disorder.


The TCM is understood as a living way in life. The human being is in continue relation with himself/herself, with his/her environment and with others. When this relation is not in balance the person gets sick, this is, the person gets sick or is prone to get sick because he/she doesn´t know how to live the life and enjoy it, loses the connection with his/her environment.


The oriental tradition sees the human being as a whole, not just an organs or systems set. It sees him/her as moving energy (Qi). Also, the emotions and feelings are some of the fundamental elements. When the emotions are not lived properly they become in an obstruction for the movement of the energy, what means, they get stack, they block and hurt the free energy movement.


Using Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Manual Therapy we can balance, increse or disperse the energetic circulation (Qi) and the blood in the channels with the aim of restore the big balances of Yin and Yang, and reinforce the perfect functioning of the body.


As Nei Jing says: “Man of the Ancient Times lived more than 100 years, stayed with his strength in an inborn way and was able to reproduce himself in an old age; while now a days in a soon age gets sick, and all that as a consequence of the symbiosis and interconnection that he stablishes with the environment. With his external environment and his own environment; his own being.”

What does Acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture is done using very fine needles that penetrate the skin. Many patients report feeling more energy after the treatment, and others report feeling more relax. Some of the other feelings in treatment may be:
Heat (Moxibustion)
Pressure (Acupressure and Massage)
Friction (Massage)

What is Acupuncture for?

Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Manual Therapy can be used in any physical, mental or emotional disorder. The needles stimulate the natural capacity of the body to cure itself promoting physical and emotional wellness.

Acupuncture can be applied in combination with other conventional treatments or as unique treatment.

    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Insomnia
    • Pain
    • Migraine
    • Allergy
    • Emotional blockage
    • Physical injuries
    • Digestive issues
    • Hormonal disturbances
    • Urinary problems
    • Gynecological issues
    • Neurological disorders
    • Respiratory issues
    • Autoinmune diseases
    • Chronic pathology
    • Degenerative disease
    • Lose weight/ slim down
    • Give up smoking
    • Adictions
    • Fertility
    • Pregnancy


For any question please contact me by email or phone. Theres is an application form in Contact section. 
